Establish a Company


$708 inc GST

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PLEASE NOTE: Our company registration process is fully automated, please take EXTRA care with keying in the details.


ASIC now require company directors to verify their identity as part of a new director identification number (director ID) requirement. A director ID is a unique identifier that a director will apply for once and keep forever - which will help prevent the use of false or fraudulent director identities.

Directors appointed between 1 November 2021 and 4 April 2022 must apply within 28 days of their appointment.

From 5 April 2022, intending directors must apply before being appointed.

When the company has been established, please advise your client to visit this link:

Important information: company registration

A Proprietary Limited ('Pty Ltd') company is the most common form of company in Australia. A Pty Ltd company in Australia can be used for a variety of purposes. The most common purposes include:

  • To operate a business;
  • To act as an investor; and/or
  • To act as the trustee of a trust

Companies must be registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). No two companies can have the same name. To check to see whether the name you want is already taken, please click here.

* Please Note that if the company is acting as a trustee no ABN or TFN is generally necessary. 

What you receive

  • Registration Certificate;
  • Company Constitution;
  • Share Applications and Certificates;
  • Register of Members;
  • Appointment of Public Officer;
  • Register of Officers;
  • ASIC Form 201;
  • Minutes;
    • First Director's Meeting;
    • Establishment of Bank Account;
  • Consent Forms:
    • Act as Director;
    • Act as Public Officer;
    • Not Appoint Auditor;
  • Declaration and Guarantee
  • Bank Kit

Navigating the complexities of setting up a company in Australia is a task best left to experts. Our online company registration service, specifically tailored for professionals such as public accountants, solicitors, and financial planners, provides a streamlined and efficient method to register a company in Australia for its clients.

One of our unique offerings is our shelf company services. A shelf company, a pre-registered entity that has never traded, is an excellent solution for those seeking swift and uncomplicated business setups.

Our platform manages various business registrations in Australia, recognising the importance of both the company and business registration numbers. Whether setting up a company in NSW, QLD, Perth, Victoria, or any other region, we have it covered.

When starting a business in Australia, one must register and ABN. Acknowledging the challenges associated with ABN registrations in Australia, we've designed our platform to simplify this step. We can setup your ABN at a small fee. 

Our services are comprehensive, competitively priced, and more than worth the cost of company registration in Australia. We provide support beyond basic company formation, including establishing setting up ABNs and TFNs in Perth, QLD, NSW, SA, Victoria, Tasmania and NT.

If you're tasked with starting a business in Australia or setting up a company online, our platform simplifies the process of online company registration. There's no need to decipher complex governmental jargon or navigate intricate websites.

Perth Legal Docs adheres to the highest standards of quality and efficiency in delivering our services. Leveraging our expertise and tools, you can offer top-tier service to your clients, aiding them in their journey of setting up a company in Australia. Trust us to deliver professional, reliable, and efficient business registration services in your endeavour to set up a company in Australia.

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If you need any help during the ordering process, please call our office.

0480 494 834

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