Consumer Data Privacy Policy


Welcome to Perth Legal Docs, web site (the "Site").

For the purposes of this policy, the terms "we", "us", "our", and "Company" refer to Perth Legal Docs and all of our affiliates. "You" refers to you, as a user of this site. Outlined in this section is our policy concerning any personal information you might provide to us when you visit our web site.

Our Privacy Policy (the ''Policy'') was created as an extension of our dedication to combine top-notch services with the highest level of integrity when dealing with our customers and partners. This Policy is designed to guide you in understanding how we gather, use and protect the personal information you provide to us, and to help you in making informed decisions when using our Site and our services. Perth Legal Docs will manage personal data that you provide through this website in accordance with this privacy policy. This statement will be constantly evaluated against new technologies, business practices and our clients' needs. By accessing our site, you consent to be bound by this policy.

Personal data we collect from Visitors. We may gather personal data which identifies an individual, for instance by name, address, phone number, or e-mail address. If you send us an email or request information, your name, email address, and any other personal data you supply in your message will be collected and securely stored in an offsite location.

Other data we automatically collect. When you visit the site, Perth Legal Docs automatically collects certain non-personal data through various means, one of which is "cookies." A cookie is an alphanumeric string of text (a unique identifier) that our web-server stores in your computer via your web-browser. The cookie allows us to recognize your computer when you revisit our site. We can then enhance your use of the site, for instance by providing quick log-in, displaying only products, and saving you from retyping information in a form. Cookies also allow us to analyze aggregate traffic on the site, to streamline navigation and keep the content useful, and valuable for all visitors. You can configure your browser to reject cookies, but doing so may disable some of our site's features. Cookies do not contain personal data, nor can they read or transmit any data on your computer's hard drive. They can, however, be combined with personal data that you knowingly provide, to create a profile. Perth Legal Docs does not use cookies in this manner without your express consent.

Regardless of cookies, all web-browsers transmit the IP address of the computer on which they are running (so that the web-server knows where to send the requested web page). We analyze IP addresses only in extraordinary situations to attempt to track hackers.

Personal data security. Information provided such as your name, address, phone number and other information required in the application form is securely saved in our offsite location for order confirmation purposes only. Information provided such as your payment details is not stored with us, but is encrypted and securely communicated with eGate which is our third party payment provider. All communication concerning your payment is carried out under an SSL certificate, which ensures your safety.

Perth Legal Docs has a no questions asked money back guarantee (except for ASIC disbursements).

Our Limited Liability. Our liability is confined to:

  1. replacement of the document you ordered using our service
  2. supply of some equivalent documents; or
  3. amendment of the documents

We do not warrant that the operation of our service will be uninterrupted or that our service is free from viruses/errors.

We are not responsible for your mistakes. You will cover any cost, loss, liability or damage that you or a third party suffers from

  1. Unsuitability of documents ordered for the intended purpose or unsuitable for the relevant circumstances;
  2. Failure to obtain professional advice concerning the use of the documents;
  3. Errors in the responses provided to the questions we asked when using our service;
  4. Failure to answer all questions completely and accurately;
  5. Self modification to the documents after they are provided; or
  6. Breaching of any of these terms and conditions in any other way.

Documents Policy. Our documents will be delivered in PDF format, or in hard copy if ordered printed.

Limit on use of documents ordered. You agree that:

  1. you must not use any part of the documents in connection with creating another document;
  2. you must not interfere with, alter or attempt to copy or reproduce our documents; and
  3. you must not incorporate any part of our service in any other program, system or document creating package.

Payment Methods. Perth Legal Docs accepts payment by Visa and MasterCard. All credit card orders are subject to verification and approval.

Delivery Policy. All orders will be processed and delivered as promptly as possible taking into account regular Australia business hours and public holidays.

Security. Perth Legal Docs employs reasonable measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, deletion, or alteration. Any personal information for the payment process is transmitted under a secured gateway provided by eGate. Perth Legal Docs web site also uses an SSL Secured (128-bit) connection.

Links. This site may have hyperlinks to or pop-up windows from other websites. Perth Legal Docs is not responsible for their content or privacy practices. We urge you to review the privacy policy of any websites that you visit.

Notices and Revisions. Perth Legal Docs may revise this policy from time to time. You should periodically check the revision date at the top of the webpage to learn of any revisions. Your use of the website at any time is deemed acceptance of the privacy policy then in effect.