
  1. Simply login or register to begin using our service.

    The registration is quick and simple.
    Once registered, you can order your legal docs.

  2. Select your preferred doc.

    Key in the order form details.
    Brand your legal docs with your company logo and details.

  3. Enter payment details in the secure customer checkout.

    The process is complete.
    Automated legal docs will be emailed to you immediately,
    and all other orders will be emailed once completed.

What We Do

We provide quality legal docs
at a competitive price.

Backed By Lawyers

Our legal docs have
been created by lawyers

Xero Integration

If you are a client of Xero, you can
now link directly to Xero's database

Perth Legal Docs. Has a Money Back Guarantee

Commonly Used Documents

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Our Documents Have Been Drafted By TMC Legal

TMC Legal is an experienced legal practitioner with more than 30 years of experience setting up companies, trusts, SMSFs, and similar entities.

Legal advice is provided on relevant matters at no cost as part of PLD's service.
Contact us with your question or concern, and we will arrange for TMC Legal to get back as soon as possible
